Hi, I'm Adelina

Full-Stack Web Developer,
blending design and technology to create
immersive web experiences

profile pic

I am a Full-Stack Software Developer with a background as a fully qualified architect, and a strong passion for animation and 3D design. After completing Le Wagon’s intensive Web Development Bootcamp, I’ve gained hands-on experience in both front-end and back-end technologies such as Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and PostgreSQL.

I’m always eager to learn something new, and right now, I’m exploring 3D web development with Three.js and learning React to expand my skills and create more interactive, immersive user experiences.

London, United Kingdom

Front End
Front End Skills: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, Bootstrap
Back End
Back End Skills: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Development Tools
Development Tools: GitHub, Heroku, Figma
Design Tools
Design Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Blender, Premiere Pro
3D/Other Tools
3D and Other Tools: Unreal Engine, Arduino
Currently in focus
Currently in Focus: Three.js, React, Node.js


3D Chess Game

Welcome to my 3D Chess Game project! This is a personal project highlighting my journey in creating interactive 3D applications with Three.js. I designed and modeled all the chess pieces and am now bringing them to life in a digital space.


A mobile app with full CRUD functionality to track habits, monitor progress, and set goals. Built with social sharing features for an engaging user experience.


A platform enabling users to share and learn skills, with real-time data updates and seamless API integration. The design incorporates robust database management and data validation to ensure content accuracy and user engagement.


Follow-Me Robot

A mobile robot designed to follow objects or people using ultrasonic sensors and motor drivers. Developed as part of a university architecture course, this project integrates Arduino and C++ to create a responsive and interactive experience.

Breathing Lamp

A chandelier designed to replicate the structure and movement of a rib cage during breathing. Developed as part of a university architecture course, the project utilizes Arduino and servo motors to create a dynamic, kinetic lighting effect.

Architectural Animations

A glimpse of animations and designs from architectural projects and past work.